Colin Huang Bio, Wiki, Age, height, Education, Networth, and More

How old is Colin Huang?
He is 45 years 2 Month(s) 11 day(s) old.
How tall is Colin Huang?
He is 5 feet 6 inches tall.
Colin Huang Biography and Wiki:
Colin Huang is a professional Chinese Businessman. Also he is the founder and former CEO of the e-commerce company Pinduoduo. His nickname is Huang. Do you know? What is the Date of birth of Colin Huang? Where was born Colin Huang? He was born in Zhejiang, China on 01 January, 1980 (Tuesday) . Everybody want to know that how much age of Colin Huang? Age of Colin Huang is 45 years 2 Month(s) 11 day(s) old. Every person searched that what is the Country, Nationality and Continent of Colin Huang? His Country name is China, Nationality is Chinese and Asia Continent. Always came question from mind that What religion does Colin Huang belong to? He belong to Buddhism Religion.
Famous Name | Colin Huang |
Full Name / Real Name | Huang Zheng |
Nickname | Huang |
Profession | Businessman. Also he is the founder and former CEO of the e-commerce company Pinduoduo |
Date of Birth | 01 January, 1980 (Tuesday) |
Age | 45 years 2 Month(s) 11 day(s) |
Birthplace | Zhejiang, China |
Country | China |
Region | Asia |
Nationality | Chinese |
Gender | Male |
Religion | Buddhism |
Colin Huang Height , Weight and Physical Stats:
Do you want to know about Physical Stats of Colin Huang? Then here is the right information for you. The Height of Colin Huang is 5 feet 6 inches & Weight is 65 Kg. Also His eye color is Black. & hair color is Black.
Height | 5 feet 6 inches |
Weight | 65 Kg |
Eye Colour | Black |
Hair Colour | Black |
Colin Huang Education:
Most of the people search on google for Where studied Colin Huang? Colin Huang studied from college- Chu Kuchen Honors College of Zhejiang University ; universitiy- University of Wisconsin. What is Educational Qualification of Colin Huang? So for your kind information, His Educational Qualification is Graduated with Master's Degree in Computer Science.
Qualification | Graduated with Master's Degree in Computer Science |
College | Chu Kuchen Honors College of Zhejiang University |
Universitiy | University of Wisconsin |
Colin Huang Relationship status:
So If you need to know marital status of Colin Huang, He is unmarried .
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Colin Huang Net worth & Luxury:
The most valuable thing, which you must need to know the Colin Huang Net Worth & Luxury information. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider: The Net Worth of Colin Huang is around 18.6k Million US dollars. Check the below table for more details about His Luxury information.
Networth (Approx.) | 18.6k Milion US Dollar |
Colin Huang Favorite Things:
Some of people want to know about Colin Huang's' hobbies and favorite things. Colin Huang's' hobbies is Programing & also favourite foods is Chinese Food. Finally Colin Huang .
Hobbies | Programing |
Foods | Chinese Food |
What is the profession of Colin Huang?
His profession is Businessman. Also he is the founder and former CEO of the e-commerce company Pinduoduo.
What is the real name of Colin Huang?
His real name is Huang Zheng.
Where was Colin Huang Born?
He was born in Zhejiang, China.
What is the Date of Birth of Colin Huang?
The date of birth is 01 January, 1980 (Tuesday) of Colin Huang.
Thanks for reading this article which has been written about Colin Huang Networth & Biography. Here we were tried to share necessary information about Colin Huang. We hope already you could find out all kinds of info from this article. So if you like this article then please share the post link to others.