Ion Druta Bio, Wiki, Death, Age, Education, Networth, Family and More
Ion Druță (Druta) was a Moldovan writer, poet, playwright and literary historian. He was an honorary member of the Romanian Academy.

How old was Ion Druta?
He was 95 years 0 Month(s) 25 day(s) old.
Ion Druta Biography and Wiki:
He was a professional Moldovan writer, poet, playwright and literary historian.. His nickname was Ion Druta. Do you know? What was the Date of birth of Ion Druta? Where was born Ion Druta? He was born in Horodiște, Kingdom of Romania (now Moldova) on 03 September, 1928 (Monday) . When die Ion Druta? Where die Ion Druta? How died Ion Druta? He died at Moscow, Russia on 28 September, 2023 (Thursday) for don't share yet. Everybody want to know that how much age of Ion Druta? Age of Ion Druta was 95 years 0 Month(s) 25 day(s) old. Every person searched that what is the Country, Nationality and Continent of Ion Druta? His Country name was Moldova, Nationality was Moldovan and Europe Continent. Always came question from mind that What religion does Ion Druta belong to? He belong to Local religion Religion.
Famous Name | Ion Druta |
Full Name / Real Name | Ion Druta |
Nickname | Ion Druta |
Profession | writer, poet, playwright and literary historian. |
Date of Birth | 03 September, 1928 (Monday) |
Age (Untill death) | 95 years 0 Month(s) 25 day(s) |
Birthplace | Horodiște, Kingdom of Romania (now Moldova) |
Date of Death | 28 September, 2023 (Thursday) |
Death Place | Moscow, Russia |
Death Of Cause | don't share yet |
Country | Moldova |
Region | Europe |
Nationality | Moldovan |
Gender | Male |
Religion | Local religion |
Ion Druta Education:
Most of the people search on google for Where studied Ion Druta? Ion Druta studied from school- Forestry School and the Higher Courses of the Institute of Literature; college- St Aloysius' College in Highgate ; . What is Educational Qualification of Ion Druta? So for your kind information, His Educational Qualification was Graduated.
Qualification | Graduated |
School | Forestry School and the Higher Courses of the Institute of Literature |
College | St Aloysius' College in Highgate |
Ion Druta Family & Relationship status:
As a Celebrity, many people search on google for His family information. So His father name was Pentelei Druță & mother name was Sofia Druţă. If you need to know marital status of Ion Druta, He got married . His wife name was Era Samuilovna Roșina. and daughter(s) name was Olga Druţă.
Father | Pentelei Druță |
Mother | Sofia Druţă |
Marital Status | Married |
Wife | Era Samuilovna Roșina |
Daughter | Olga Druţă |
Ion Druta Net worth & Luxury:
The most valuable thing, which you must need to know the Ion Druta Net Worth & Luxury information. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider: The Net Worth of Ion Druta was around 2 to 5 Million US dollars. Check the below table for more details about His Luxury information.
Networth (Approx.) | 2 to 5 Milion US Dollar |
His first short stories were published in the early 1950s. His works are considered to be part of the "gold fund" of contemporary national literature.
Appreciations, distinctions, legality and criticism
From 1987, Ion Druță served as Honorary President of the Writers' Union of the Republic of Moldova, where he was unanimously elected to the General Assembly of Writers.
He was the honorary president of the Moldovan Writers' Union from 1987. He initially only wrote in Romanian, but wrote in Russian as well from 1960.
He was one of the leaders of the Romanian national movement in Moldova in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, from the 1990s, his position in the ethno-linguistic controversy became more ambiguous and Moldovenist,[2][3] being both criticised by the pro-Romanian media and organizations and praised by the pro-Russian ones for this.
Dramatic operas
- Frunze de dor
- Povara bunătății noastre
- Clopotnița
- Întoarcerea țărânii în pământ
- Biserica albă
- Păsările tinereții noastre (1971)
- Sania
In English
Moldavian Autumn, various translators, University Press of the Pacific (2001) ISBN 0-89875-620-0
Awards and honours
- Ordinul Drapelul Roșu de Muncă (1960)
- Ordinul Lenin (1988)
- Ordinul Republicii (1993)
- Laureat al Premiului de Stat al RSS Moldoveneşti pentru romanul “Balade din cîmpie” și nuvela “Ultima lună de toamnă” (1967).
- Scriitor al Poporului din RSS Moldovenească (1988)
- Membru de Onoare al Academiei Române (1990).
- Membru activ of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (1992).
- Doctor Honoris Causa of the Moldova State University (1999).
- Laureat al Premiului de Stat al Republicii Moldova în domeniul literaturii (2008)
What was the profession of Ion Druta?
His profession was writer, poet, playwright and literary historian..
Where was Ion Druta Born?
He was born in Horodiște, Kingdom of Romania (now Moldova).
What was the Date of Death of Ion Druta?
The date of death was 28 September, 2023 (Thursday) of Ion Druta.
What was the death of cause of Ion Druta?
Ion Druta death of cause was don't share yet.
What was the Date of Birth of Ion Druta?
The date of birth was 03 September, 1928 (Monday) of Ion Druta.
Who are parents of Ion Druta?
His parents are Pentelei Druță & Sofia Druţă
Who was wife of Ion Druta?
His wife name was Era Samuilovna Roșina.
Who are childrens of Ion Druta?
His childrens are Olga Druţă