Reiky de Valk Bio, Wiki, Death, Age, height, Education, Networth, Family and More

How old was Reiky de Valk?
He was 23 years 6 Month(s) 20 day(s) old.
How tall was Reiky de Valk?
He was In feet: 5 feet 9 inch, in meter: 1.753m, in centimeter: 175.26cm and in inch: 69 inches tall.
Reiky de Valk Biography and Wiki:
He was a professional Dutch, Netherlandic Actor. His nickname was Reiky. Do you know? What was the Date of birth of Reiky de Valk? Where was born Reiky de Valk? He was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 05 March, 2000 (Sunday) . When die Reiky de Valk? Where die Reiky de Valk? How died Reiky de Valk? He died at Netherlands on 25 September, 2023 (Monday) for suicide himself. Everybody want to know that how much age of Reiky de Valk? Age of Reiky de Valk was 23 years 6 Month(s) 20 day(s) old. Every person searched that what is the Country, Nationality and Continent of Reiky de Valk? His Country name was Netherlands, Nationality was Dutch, Netherlandic and Europe Continent.
Famous Name | Reiky de Valk |
Full Name / Real Name | Reiky de Valk |
Nickname | Reiky |
Profession | Actor |
Date of Birth | 05 March, 2000 (Sunday) |
Age (Untill death) | 23 years 6 Month(s) 20 day(s) |
Birthplace | Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Date of Death | 25 September, 2023 (Monday) |
Death Place | Netherlands |
Death Of Cause | suicide himself |
Country | Netherlands |
Region | Europe |
Nationality | Dutch, Netherlandic |
Gender | Male |
Reiky de Valk Height , Weight and Physical Stats:
Do you want to know about Physical Stats of Reiky de Valk? Then here is the right information for you. The Height of Reiky de Valk was In feet: 5 feet 9 inch, in meter: 1.753m, in centimeter: 175.26cm and in inch: 69 inches & Weight was 68 Kg. Also His eye color was Brown. & hair color was Black.
Height | In feet: 5 feet 9 inch, in meter: 1.753m, in centimeter: 175.26cm and in inch: 69 inches |
Weight | 68 Kg |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Hair Colour | Black |
Reiky de Valk Education:
Most of the people search on google for Where studied Reiky de Valk? Reiky de Valk studied from school- theatre school in Amsterdam; . What is Educational Qualification of Reiky de Valk? So for your kind information, His Educational Qualification was graduated.
Qualification | graduated |
School | theatre school in Amsterdam |
Reiky de Valk Family & Relationship status:
As a Celebrity, many people search on google for His family information. So His father name was Naleye Sultan Buddista & mother name was Anouk De Valk. If you need to know marital status of Reiky de Valk, He was unmarried .
Father | Naleye Sultan Buddista |
Mother | Anouk De Valk |
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Reiky de Valk Net worth & Luxury:
The most valuable thing, which you must need to know the Reiky de Valk Net Worth & Luxury information. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider: The Net Worth of Reiky de Valk was around 1 Million US dollars. Check the below table for more details about His Luxury information.
Networth (Approx.) | 1 Milion US Dollar |
his acting debut as Kes de Beus in the teen drama series Skam NL.
For more information visit wikipedia
What was the profession of Reiky de Valk?
His profession was Actor.
Where was Reiky de Valk Born?
He was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
What was the Date of Death of Reiky de Valk?
The date of death was 25 September, 2023 (Monday) of Reiky de Valk.
What was the death of cause of Reiky de Valk?
Reiky de Valk death of cause was suicide himself.
What was the Date of Birth of Reiky de Valk?
The date of birth was 05 March, 2000 (Sunday) of Reiky de Valk.
Who are parents of Reiky de Valk?
His parents are Naleye Sultan Buddista & Anouk De Valk